This is a downloaded C++ Note for Lovely Professional University's (LPU) CSE202-OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING course.
Lovely Professional University (LPU) is a well-known private university in India that offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including a course on OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (CSE202). A large part of computer science and information technology use object-oriented programming that deals with low-level memory management while providing high-level abstractions, making it suitable for various applications ranging from system programming to game development.
UNIT-WISE Notes - 10 Unit | C++ | Object Oriented Programming
Unit 1 Notes: Introduction
Compiled Languages and C++
1.1 Why Use a Language Like C++?
1.2 The Compilation Process
Just as cout << is the syntax for outputting values, cin >> (line 6) is the syntax for inputting values.
Memory trick: if you have trouble remembering which way the angle brackets go for cout and cin, think of them as arrows pointing in the direction of data flow. cin represents the terminal, with data flowing from it to your variables; cout likewise represents the terminal, and your data flows to it.
There are two kinds of errors you’ll run into when writing C++ programs: compilation errors and runtime errors. Compilation errors are problems raised by the compiler, generally resulting from violations of the syntax rules or misuse of types. These are often caused by typos and the like. Runtime errors are problems that you only spot when you run the program: you did specify a legal program, but it doesn’t do what you wanted it to. These are usually more tricky to catch, since the compiler won’t tell you about them.
Also, Read:- Learn C++ Programming: 10 Basic Programs for Beginners
Unit-2: Flow Of Control
Unit-3: Functions
Unit-4: Arrays And Strings
Unit-5: Pointers
Unit-6: User-Defined Datatypes
Unit-7: Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) And Inheritance