Download the CSE320 Software Engineering MCQ Sets

For the CSE320 course, get access to a complete set of Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The purpose of these multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is to assess student's knowledge and comprehension of numerous software engineering topics, such as project management, software design, testing, and maintenance.

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1. What is the purpose of a software requirements specification?
A) To specify the hardware requirements for the software
B) To specify the functional and non-functional requirements for the software
C) To specify the programming languages to be used in the software
D) To specify the testing strategy for the software
Answer: B

2. What is the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing?
A) Black-box testing is performed by the developers, while white-box testing is performed by independent testers
B) Black-box testing focuses on the internal workings of the software, while white-box testing focuses on the external 
behaviour of the software
C) Black-box testing is a functional testing technique, while white-box testing is a structural testing technique
D) Black-box testing is automated, while white-box testing is manual
Answer: C

3. What is the purpose of a software design pattern?
A) To make the software easier to maintain and modify
B) To make the software more efficient
C) To make the software more secure
D) To make the software more visually appealing
Answer: A

4. Which of the following is an example of an agile software development methodology?
A) Waterfall
B) Scrum
C) Spiral
D) V-Model
Answer: B

5. Which of the following is not a software development life cycle model?
A) Waterfall
B) Agile
C) V-Model
D) Structured Programming
Answer: D

Also, Read:- PYQ End Term Question Paper CSE320

The goal of the MCQ sets, which cover a wide range of topics, is to provide students a complete knowledge of the ideas and ideas behind software engineering. Each set includes a combination of questions that are simple, medium, and challenging in order to test student's comprehension of the material.

6. What is the purpose of version control software?
A) To prevent unauthorized access to the software
B) To manage changes to the software codebase
C) To optimize the performance of the software
D) To debug the software codebase
Answer: B

7. Which of the following is a non-functional requirement for software?
A) The software should be easy to use
B) The software should be fast
C) The software should have a user login feature
D) The software should have a search bar
Answer: B

8. What is the purpose of a software prototype?
A) To create a working version of the software
B) To identify and eliminate defects in the software
C) To communicate the design of the software to stakeholders
D) To test the software on a representative sample of users
Answer: C

9. What is the purpose of a software testing plan?
A) To identify defects in the software
B) To track progress and ensure that testing is complete
C) To specify the requirements for the software
D) To optimize the performance of the software
Answer: B

10. Which of the following is an example of a software development tool?
A) Microsoft Word
B) Adobe Photoshop
C) Eclipse
D) Google Chrome
Answer: C

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